The Original & Exclusive Haig Club

Want to know how you can join the original and exclusive Haig Whisky Club at Then read on!
Many years ago, I set up our little Haig Whisky Club when I met some other whisky aficionados online who shared an interest with the history of Haig Whisky, the Haig Whisky Dynasty and the old and distinguished Cameronbridge Whisky Distillery in Scotland.
For over 200 years and up until the 1970’s, Haig whisky was one of the most popular and successful Scotch whiskies in the world. An Irish Whiskey friend of mine described the Haig Whisky of the time as being like the Jameson of Scotch whisky. This analogy is all the more interesting when you discover that John Jameson who founded the iconic Irish Whiskey brand was himself Scottish and was actually married to Margaret Haig who was the eldest daughter of John Haig. John was the father of modern Haig whisky and the founder of Haig Whisky’s Cameronbridge Distillery where Haig Club is now distilled today.
All of this may go some way to explaining as to how I, Stuart McNamara, an Irish Whisk(e)y aficionado ended up founding an online Haig Whisky Club in 2009, initially at and latterly at Haig.Club when the .club top level domains or TLDs were released.
Who are the members of Haig.Club?

In the beginning, our little online Haig Whisky club focussed on the collection, swopping, selling and research of vintage bottles of Haig Whisky such as Haig Gold, Haig Dimple and Haig Pinch whisky amongst members, but then, in partnership with whisky affiliate stores such as Amazon and others, we found a ready source of Haig Whisky (Haig Gold in particular) which we could promote and sell to people who had never heard of Haig Whisky as it was no longer an active product. and are very proud to have been the sole torch bearers who single handedly kept the Haig Whisky name of this old brand alive in recent years. Our members are drawn from all parts of the globe and from all walks of life. But they are all proven Haig Whisky aficionados.
We have been very, very careful as to who we allow to become members of our online Haig Club which is based around a common emailing list. I didn’t want us to become like a meaningless Facebook page with hundreds or thousands of people who have Liked us or followed us but have no real or substantive interest in what we are doing. Instead, I built on a core membership of some 50 long-time members of our email list, all of whom are proven and genuine Haig Whisky aficionados and collectors. Today, we have just over 100 active members worldwide.
How To Join The Haig Whisky Club
All new applicants to must be nominated and sponsored by an existing member in order to ensure the integrity of the club. We do not for example allow marketing companies or others promoting their wares to join. In reality, nearly all new members are invited to join by existing members and this ensures that only genuine Haig Whisky aficionados are admitted to our Haig Club.
If you would like to be considered for membership of and have secured an existing member sponsor or if you have been invited directly by an existing Haig Club member, just send an email to stuart at explaining your interest and background as a Haig Whisky aficionado and putting the email address of your sponsor in cc so that I can quickly verify your application with them.
Membership is completely free and all members are also offered the facility of a YourName@Haig.Club email address which they may use at their own discretion.
What about the new Haig Club Whisky sponsored by David Beckham?
Our little Haig Club had been quietly running away since we launched it in 2009 and since then has been keeping the name and history of Haig Whisky alive though our website at and our email list at It came as a complete surprise to me when I was contacted by a representative of Diageo explaining that they had launched the new “Haig Club” whisky by David Beckham without checking and becoming aware of our previous existence since 2009. Diageo then offered to buy out our Haig Whisky domains and social media, but I have declined their offer as our Haig Whisky Club and Haig Whisky Shop represents over 6 years of my life’s work. I am of course delighted with the current renaissance of Haig Whisky and look forward to supporting it in any way I can through my Haig Whisky Club and associated Haig Whisky sites and social media.
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